christmas bookings

If you would like to book a table for a works Christmas party, a family lunch or a get together with friends please call us on 01480 459134. Below you will find our christmas lunchtime & dinner menu available from the 29th November until 24th December.

To download, print or share this menu please click here

There is also a booking and a menu pre-order form at the bottom.

2013 Christmas Menu

To download, print or share this menu please click here

To download the Christmas booking and pre-order forms please click here



Searching for places to eat in Huntingdon?

places to eat in huntingdon

Searching for places to eat around Huntingdon?

In Huntingdon there are the usual High Street places to eat like Pizza Express, the local curry house or a hotel. There are also several High Street pubs that serve food but in our opinion some of the best places to eat around Huntingdon are out of the town itself.

The photo above is taken near to the Old Mill at Brampton which is just passed Huntingdon train station on your way to Brampton, not only is this a great place to eat close to Huntingdon it is also on the River.

Driving the other way from Huntingdon, over the river bridge into Godmanchester you can turn right at the roundabout, follow the Causeway along the river then follow the road passed the butchers and end up here at The Exhibition.

Other places we’d recommend to eat around Huntingdon include The Pheasant at Keyston, owned by the same group that own The Bridge Hotel in Huntingdon but a thatched pub set in a very pretty village. You could also try The Bell at Stilton, half way up the A1 between Huntingdon & Peterborough.

Places to eat near Huntingdon